Care Centers
Free session

Free Session

Do you still need help to make up your mind?
Check out the free sessions below to get a taste of the magic that
signing can bring to your family!

Baby Signs® Introductory Presentation

This is a one-time, 20-30 minute introduction to the Baby Signs® Program! Would you like to have a visit from BeeBo™ the Baby Signs® Bear? This informational presentation is an ideal option for Mom's groups and clubs, playgroups, hospital support groups, library story times, store promotional events, etc. This presentation will not only teach a handful of baby signs, but will also inform your audience of the benefits of baby signing.

bulletBased on Dr. Acredolo & Dr. Goodwyn's research-based Baby Signs® program
bulletBooks, videos, and educational materials will be available for purchase
bulletPresentation held at a location convenient for you (park, home, church, school)

Please contact Tina via email or on FaceBook for an appointment or to check the schedule for public sessions.

Story Time with BeeBo™ the Baby Signs® Bear--

Bring your infants & toddlers for Story Time with BeeBoTM the Baby Signs® Bear! Through children's stories, songs, and lots of fun, we will show you how you can learn to communicate with your infant or toddler using simple signs and gestures. This special story time provides quality time for parents and their children, while encouraging early literacy and an interest in reading. All ages welcome.

Please contact Tina via email or on FaceBook to check the schedule for public sessions.

Baby Signs® PlaygroupSquiggles signs HAPPY

For parents and their babies from birth through 24 months. This free play group offers an opportunity for families with signing babies to get together to socialize, in an informal and fun environment. Families will be able to meet the local certified instructor and BeBooTM the signing bear will be on hand to join in the fun!

Please contact Tina via email or on FaceBook to schedule a session.

Sign your way to Potty Training

Learn how to potty train before age 2 using proven Baby Signs® techniques!  Even if you haven't been signing with your baby all along, the "Potty Training Made Easy with the Baby Signs® Program" kit is a complete potty training aid that is fun and easy to use.   If your child is already older than age 2 and still in  diapers... don't despair, join us to learn about the techniques that have made potty training a snap for many moms!

FREE Duration How to sign up
Baby Signs® Presentation 30 minutes Facebook, email or call the instructor  (954) 571-1709
Story time (babies 0-12 months) 30 minutes Facebook, email or call the instructor  (954) 571-1709
English/Spanish Class (baby 0-12) 30 minutes Facebook, email or call the instructor  (954) 571-1709
Playgroup 30 minutes Facebook, email or call the instructor  (954) 571-1709
Potty training 30 minutes Facebook, email or call the instructor  (954) 571-1709

Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

Informational Presentation
Story Time with BeeBoTM
Baby Signs® Playgroup



Copyright 2008 by Baby Signs®, Inc. All rights reserved.
Some images and text ©Baby Signs, Inc. Used with permission.